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Http Request wrapper written in Swift

This is a wrapper for the networking library HttpRequest. It aims to make it easier to use by wrapping the API in a more familiar interface.

The alamofire wrapper swift 5 is a HTTP request wrapper written in Swift. It allows developers to create HTTP requests with ease and without the need for any external libraries.

Net is a Swift wrapper for HttpRequest.


  • Methods GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE
  • Nested params, integer, text, dic, array, picture, data are all useful request parameters.
  • Responses in Json, Image, and XML
  • Files to download: continue, suspend, and cancel
  • Upload the file, the data, and the parameters (multi-part)
  • Completion of the project
  • Download the background, then upload it.
  • Authentication
  • Operations in a batch
  • BaseURL
  • Header that may be customized

Demo app



To build a Net instance, use one of the techniques listed below.

/ let net = Net() without baseURL / let net = Net(baseUrlString: “”) with baseURL


Request for a GET

let url = “get path” let url = “get path” let url = “get_ [“integerNumber”: 1, “doubleNumber”: 2.0, “string”: “hello”] let params = net.GET(url, params: params, success); net.GET(url, params: params, success); net.GET(url let result = responseData.json(error: nil) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result Error in NSLog(“Error”)) Handler: Let url = “ path” / You may also make a request using an absolute url. net.GET(absoluteUrl: url, params: params, success); net.GET(absoluteUrl: url, params: params, success); net.GET(absolu let result = responseData.json(error: nil) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result)”) NSLog(“result (result Error in NSLog(“Error”)) Handler:

You may also make advantage of nested parameters.

“string”: “test”, “integerNumber”: 1, “floatNumber”: 1.5, “array”: [10, 20, 30], “dictionary”: [“x”: 100.0, “y”: 200.0], “image”: NetData(pngImage: img, filename: “myIcon”)]

You may easily use responseData in the sucessHandler closure.

  • get the json dictionary
  • get an image
  • xml parse

Requests such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE are supported.

let jsonDic = responseData.json / obtain json dictionary from response data (error: error) let image = responseData.image = retrieve image from response data () let result = responseData.parseXml / parse xml using delegate (delegate: self)

Request for a POST

Net will automatically examine your parameters to determine whether to submit the request as a URL-Encoded or Multi-Part request. As a result, you may quickly submit data in the form of a number, text, picture, or binary data.

let post path = url [“string”: “test”, “integerNumber”: 1, “floatNumber”: 1] let params = .5] net.POST(url, params: params, success); net.POST(url, params: params, success); net.POST( let result = responseData.json(error: nil) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (re Error in NSLog(“Error”)) Handler:

let post path = url img = UIImage(“puqiz icon”); [“string”: “test”, “integerNumber”: 1, “icon”: NetData(pngImage: img, filename: “myIcon”)] let params = [“string”: “test”, “integerNumber”: 1, “icon”: NetData(pngImage: img, filename: “myIcon”)] net. GET(url, params: params, success) GET(url, params: params, success) GET(url, let result = responseData.json(error: nil) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (re Error in NSLog(“Error”)) Handler:

Request for a PUT

let put path = “url” [“string”: “test”, “integerNumber”: 1, “floatNumber”: 1] let params = .5] net.PUT(url, params: params, success); net.PUT(url, params: params, success); net.PUT( let result = responseData.json(error: nil) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (result)”) NSLog(“result: (re Error in NSLog(“Error”)) Handler:


let delete path = url [“id”: 10] let params = net. DELETE(url, params: params, success) DELETE(url, params: params, success) DELETE(url failure Handler: responseData in NSLog(“result: (result)”) Error in NSLog(“Error”)) Handler:


You must first use the setupSession method to establish up the session before utilizing the download/upload functions.

net.setupSession::setupSession::setupSession::setupSession::setupS ()

You must use the setupSession function with a background identification string to conduct background downloads or uploads. Your download/upload tasks will then be able to continue even if the program is stopped, exited, or crashes.

/ establish session with backgroundIdentifier net.setupSession(backgroundIdentifier: “”) (backgroundIdentifier: “”) You may use the eventsForBackgroundHandler closure to set events for the background handler. When a job in the background net is finished, this closure will be called. urlSession in urlSession.getDownloadingTasksCount = eventsForBackgroundHandler if downloadingTaskCount == 0; if downloadingTaskCount == 0; if downloadingTaskCount == 0; if downloadingTaskCount == NSLog(“All files have been downloaded!”) NSLog(“All files have been downloaded!”) NSLog(“All files have been downloaded!”) NSLog(“All files have been downloaded!”


allow for download net is the task. download(absoluteUrl: url, progress: progress in NSLog(“progress (progress)”), completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler: completionHandler fileUrl, error in if error!= nil NSLog(“Download failed”) NSLog(“Downloaded to: (fileUrl)”) NSLog(“Downloaded to: (fileUrl)”) NSLog(“Downloaded to: (fileUrl)”) NSLog(“Downloaded to: (fileUrl)”) NSLog(“Downloaded to: (fileUrl)”) NSLog( download Download using Task.resume() Task.suspend() is a method for suspending a task. Task.cancel()


net.upload(absoluteUrl: url, from) let task = net.upload(absoluteUrl: url, from) progress, file: file Handler: completion in NSLog(“progress (progress)”), progress in NSLog(“progress (progress)”) NSLog(“Upload failed : (error)”) if error!= nil, then NSLog(“Upload finished”) if error!= nil.

Allow yourData to be equal to NSData(…) net. (absoluteUrl: url, data: yourData, progress) upload(absoluteUrl: url, data: yourData, progress) Handler: completion in NSLog(“progress: (progress)”), progress in NSLog(“progress: (progress)”) Handler: NSLog(“Upload finished”) error)

image = UIImage(“image file”) imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation; (image) [“number”: 1, “string”: “net”, “data”: imageData] let params = net.upload(absoluteUrl: imgUrl, params: params, progress) net.upload(absoluteUrl: imgUrl, params: params, progress) net.upload( Handler: completion in NSLog(“progress: (progress)”), progress in NSLog(“progress: (progress)”) Handler: NSLog(“Upload finished”) error)

The upload job will be done via the POST method by default.

  • Application/octet-stream is the content type (upload with file or data)
  • multipart/form-data is the content type (upload with params)

However, before restarting, you may set the upload job.

setHttpMethod yourUploadTask.setHttpMethod yourUploadTask.setHttpMethod yourUploadT (.PUT) Set the header field using yourUploadTask.setValue(value: “your value,” forHttpHeaderField: “header field”)


Simply drop the Net folder into the project tree.


The alamofire request url is a Swift wrapper for the HttpRequest class. It allows users to make http requests without having to use NSURLConnection.

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